Saturday, November 29, 2014

" I think they're headed for a log jam! " (Changing Prescription Coverage Plans)

    They're the experts but they want me to go into the system and look up all this information about coverage.
    The SilverScript part D plan page works OK, as far as I could tell.

   You have to type in all your prescriptions and your zip code and then a plan comes up to choose from. Mine is 23 dollars a month but it is unclear what the out of pocket expenses will be. It says up to 4 thousand a year. (For my prescriptions.) But some of that is covered by other providers. How much? That is the question.
      Ultimately, I decided to keep Aetna and go to Wal -Mart pharmacy. But I can also have the medicines mailed to me.

   If you lose your regular pharmacy and want the medicines mailed to you , you have to call your doctor. I decided to call the doctor. Maybe they will make it easier to understand the actual expenses involved in the new plans, covering your meds.

    I can imagine 50 million people calling doctors and Medicare and Medicaid offices and the pharmacies! In one week! I think they're headed for a log jam!

Obama Care Moment

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