Saturday, November 29, 2014

Ferguson- "Political vote fishing in a party that has failed terribly." Poster- Picture

    Not town people protesting, but professional, organized politically backed protesters from other places that came to a town and stirred up trouble. Protesters that were opportunists who made statements that were untrue about the situation.
    People who testified falsely about seeing things that they did not see. Covering up other facts and information to defend a story that was made up about racism.
    Political vote fishing in a party that has failed terribly and a president who is seemingly off track or distracted on every issue, or just doesn't care.
   An administration who ignores every act of hate and terrorism on  American soil, unless it's a typecast Middle Eastern suspect. The media attention that the political party gets from their orchestrated actions is the reason for their responses to every situation.
    Ferguson is just another example of failed leadership from Washington.

     Political temper tantrums in the streets, unchecked, in an atmosphere of division and hate mongering. Using the death of an eighteen year old to justify their attempts to throw the nation back into the sixties. "Oh! The glory days relived. And DJango is riding up on a white horse to get paid for it! (Crackles) What could be better than that?"
  Which corner is Mary and Acorn occupying?

     And the lowlife politicians from Washington show up to encourage the organizations to continue to disturb the town of Ferguson,  some more. Those politicians should be impeached.


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