Monday, December 22, 2014

Treatment of the mentally ill in our nation. - Community Based Policing Tactics- Changes Needed.

      I believe excessive force was used against the homeless man who was mentally ill.
      Why did a person need to be shot 14 times that was unarmed?
     The policeman may have been justified to use force if he thought his life was in danger, but why 14 shots/ It just doesn't seem right. Story in USA Today:
   New regulations concerning arrests should be put in place. Two officers should be present during each arrest. Or a witness present before the suspects are touched by the officers.
  A lack of funds and manpower  might be part of the reason here.
  Ironically, the Democrats respond to problems with police  actions with the same old rhetoric;  Calling for more community based policing. 
  I challenge anyone to study the effects of Community  BASED POLICE TACTICS and look at the real policies and the results. The real results from policies.

  I know what it's like to have the police called on me. When I was homeless and played Frisbee in parking lots after hours, the police were called on me a hundred times. I've had police come to my house and check on me.
   Any time someone wants to say anything negative about me they can. No one ever says anything or complains about false accusations leading to suspicions.
   If your thought of as mentally ill, it doesn't make a difference why. Whether you were injured or poisoned or attacked or have a disease. It's all the same to them and there is discrimination. But even when the guy was killed or people die out in the cold, no one ever protests that. They never cry discrimination when it comes to the mentally ill.
     It can take years and years to come back from injuries to the brain. Or surgery, in some cases.
   Real Schizophrenia is one of the most disabling diseases known to man, but people are treated like they are outcasts in our society.
  I know how the rights of those people are violated every day.
   The highest fatality rates in the world has been in the mentally ill segment of our society since I was a child.
 I studied mental illness in Social Studies before I was ever injured in the military.
    People who suffer from real mental illness are being set free from being locked up and more of them are finding their way back out into the streets.
   It seems that some arrangements could be made for the homeless in that case. Simple shelters or access to help centers would be a big help.
   There are laws regarding the mentally ill- there in that community- but in this case they weren't applied.

    The whole system needs to be investigated for wrongdoing when it comes to the treatment of the mentally ill in our nation.

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