*The New Torture Report That Panetta Is Covering.
According to this article; the report that Panetta has stated is real- but will not be released, is even more gruesome than the first.
{Below, is a brief on my experience with the topic of Waterboarding and the laws that governed the methods that were outlawed before and after Geneva Convention Protocols and Command Order Revisions in 1977. When the official determinations were made by the U.S. Government and Military.}
What government officials said, was that they relied on CIA interrogations to produce information that was vital to the fight against terrorism and vitally important to the war efforts in the Middle East.
That the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, used, were effective in gathering information. And that specifically, one interrogation method reaped positive results in the case of more than two detainees. That being Waterboarding.
This raised the question, of whether or not Waterboarding should be employed in interrogation methods, or not. Based on the fact that it was not allowed in Geneva Convention or further -that it was illegal.
The truth was that Waterboarding was not an interrogation technique and was never said, previously, to be effective in interrogation.
The primary study, officially conducted by the U.S. Military and Government, was in 1977, in accordance with Geneva Convention Protocols. And in association with revisions in Command Orders, U.S. Military.
Agreements to disallow Waterboarding were made at the time (1977) and the orders to outlaw all forms of Waterboarding in military actions, were included in Command Orders.
The brief on Waterboarding and other such methods used as torture was included in the writings within the Command Orders documentation and referenced to Geneva Convention.
As the qualified Attaché I was directly involved in conducting the studies and making a determination on the use of Waterboarding. With information and expert testimony, in interviews, the determination was made that Waterboarding was never to be used for any reason in the military or intelligence divisions, including the CIA or NSA or Military Intel. Waterboarding was not an interrogation method. It could, and was used in the past, as a torture.
Waterboarding was illegal in the civilian sectors, such as police and FBI.
In short, there was no reason to use or allow the use of Waterboarding in interrogations.
The belief that information was gathered by employing the use of Waterboarding as an Enhanced Interrogation Technique was specifically a mistake.
If Waterboarding was used, it was used against agreement to comply with the laws of the United States and Geneva Convention.
Command Orders were not followed or employed in Code of Conduct or Military Justice.
U.S. laws and Military laws were violated. Period.
Laws were broken. Agreements were violated. Americans were lied to. Politicians in Washington and the CIA and intelligence communities have dishonored our nation.
Justice needs to be forthwith.
Don Robbins- U.S. Military (acting) Attaché -Ft. Hood Texas, 1977. Signed into law, Command Orders in association and compliance, with agreement, (Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Military Command)- Geneva Convention Protocols. "Waterboarding" and disallowance of torture methods included in brief. Including revisions on rights of citizens under military occupation.
Documents available online. Geneva Convention and Protocols and Command Orders- U.S. Military.
Command Orders reviewed by President Reagan in association with Don Robbins -Military Attaché.
Waterboarding and revisions from 1977 also noted. (Included in brief on International Human Rights.) From project by President Reagan.
International Human Rights project reviewed by Don Robbins U.S. Military Attaché -Under direction of President Reagan.
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