Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Satanic Orders Help Government In MK Ultra Mind Control- Alcala- Evan Tanner

   Mind control- Ultra- Church- C.I.A.- Molestations- Church and government program. (MK Ultra)
   The priests took the fall to cover up mind control.
   The church knew about the abuse of the children in the government mind control program.
    People were exterminated in Hosston, Louisiana in 1975. I escaped.
Satanic groups were allowed to assist the C.I.A. and military in experiments and killings.

Mind control victim. Picture taken by Rodney Alcala in Hosston , Louisiana in 1975.
Also the place and time where Jimmy Hoffa died. He was killed.
The F.B.I. and C.I.A. killed over two hundred people there. Some were children. The Satanic cult that helped them were headquartered in  a farm house just off the river.
The cotton patch marks where Hoffa was killed. North of the cotton patch location on the map.
Two hundred people were laying dead in the same area.
I escaped from the barn by the cotton patch. And then escaped again by the river where it says horse. And then again from the farm house.
I realize the mind control over me in about 1995. That's twenty years after Hosston.
Evan Tanner was also victimized. In the picture, his fingers were dislocated.
I don't think Alcala took that picture.
This is a photo of
Evan Tanner. He was tortured in the same house I was in. Probably taken in 1978.
He said his mother was there with him. He was forced to play the guitar with his fingers injured. They smashed his fingernails and dislocated the joints in his fingers. You can see the bruising in the picture.
I escaped the house with Evan and took him to a relatives house.
Twenty years or more, later, I was Abducted by some of his friends who were told I had something to do with kidnapping him before.
They took me to his house by the ocean.
He realized who I was and offered to give me his house for what was done to me. I forgave him and didn't take the house.
At the time I had no idea how he knew me.

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