Monday, August 6, 2018

Kennedy / Hoffa Connection- Killings In Hosston 1975- Truth- Organizations- Lies Politics- Life


  Whatever served the purpose of benefiting the organization. Was that the ultimate reason? Fortunes lost, people killed, departments corrupted. Integrity placed in check. Records falsified. Leagues of spies infiltrating the offices that oversee criminal activities. To cover their own? For the organization? For the political reputation that in turn is advertised, that when elected, serves the organization. Kennedy's reputation? Hoffa's reputation?  The FBI's reputation? All more important than the life of one poor already abused, used, 15 year old kid? Murder is more important. Lies are more important. Corrupt offices covering the truth is more important. More important than gays. More important than orphans? More important than hermaphrodites? Lesbians? Unwanted children? Hippies? Is anybody as important as their lies? Their murders? The organization must be served? The organization of organization that is in link with the other organizations that serve the government organization. Organization of organization of organization. And what to do with the 15 year old that was there where the organization had to murder. To violate. To torture. To rape. To experiment on people like animals? To kill him. To torture him. To hunt him. To slander him. To falsely accuse him. To suggest he was a criminal and the murderers were the upholders of the law. To drown him in sickness and confusion. To watch him. To study him. To stalk him. To drug him. To lie about him. to take his money. To leave him wounded and hungry and alone. To kill in front of him. to murder in front of him. To rape on tape. To call over and over. To sabotage everything he does. To hate him. To falsify reports on him. To attack him. To hound him. To poison him. But never to tell the truth. Never admit why they murdered. Never to face justice for what they did there. Only to claim they were justice. To claim they upheld the law. To claim they knew nothing of the gays slaughtered. The others violated by Alcala, the FBI agents, by the locals. By Hoffa with the FBI. Knowing exactly what happened, where, when, how and why. Why? Why did it happen? Tell us. Tell us why you murdered when you were supposed to protect? Why did you rape and violate and mock and degrade those you killed? Why? Tell us why. Tell us! Why? Never to do the right thing. Wanting only for the kid who saw what you did to die. To go away. To lose his mind. Lose his memory for your convenience. To cover up for each other and sacrifice the kid 's life for you to get away with murdering those people without ever having to tell the public anything. Laughing about it. Mocking them. Still mocking them. Still laughing at the children you murdered while I watched. And who knew? The governor of Louisiana didn't have policemen in the Vivian Louisiana, Texarkana Texas area not know anything about the largest mass murder in their state since the wars against Native Americans. They knew. The police involved told them. The governors of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, knew what happened. The sheriff of Texarkana knew what happened. The deputy from Vivian knew what happened. Hoffa's business associates knew what happened, where and when. They knew. But it was just ignored. The FBI agents who murdered innocent people and tried to murder me with Rodney Alcala and in the end Jimmy Hoffa, they knew. Their offices knew. All the way to Washington D.CV. the politicians and governors and heads of departments knew. And not one of them said anything. Not one of them upheld the law. And everyone of them crucified me to cover their own deeds. And they will not be judged accordingly. They're not the killers, they're the Saints. They're not the murderers, they're the lawmen. The law was to murder. To torture to death and take pictures of it while they were doing it. Erasing my memory like something out of Communist Russia or Nazi Germany wasn't enough. They had to accuse me. And later try to kill me again and again and again. Called me a drug dealer. Their 15 year old drug dealer that didn't even remember their filthy murders and bloody horrible escapades. The "Q" spot. The barn by the river with naked bloody bodies hanging from the rafters. The nasty blood soaked carpet hung on the walls like decorations. The stink and filth and horror. While they laughed and raped and murdered in a frenzy. Murdered in cold blood. And me. Escape after escape. Told to let them handle it. That was the best thing to do. Don't tell anyone. Don't involve my parents. Let them, the sheriff and the murdering FBI take care of it. I didn't have anything to worry about. It was best to just forget what happened and they would deal with what happened and come to murder me later. Maybe the FBI agents who came to the cotton patch just after Hoffa had died could murder me when I came to talk to them about what happened. Specifically where Hoffa's body was. Considering the fact that I was holding a riot gun from the sheriff's patrol car I guess they figured it would be better to murder me at a later date. No hurry. They have all the time in the world.  So just exactly what did the three Democrat governors and Ted Kennedy know about it anyway? The murders in Hosston Louisiana in 1975. What did they know about the two hundred and fifty people murdered there? The pictures that Rodney Alcala took of some of the victims. Of people who might have escaped? What did they need to know? Their identities, so they could be eliminated as witnesses? Call you a drug dealer? Tell the real dealers you took something from them and watch people get murdered in front of your house? Like Miss Harris the geologists daughter from Tulsa University. Like listening to Miss Katz being raped while her friend was being killed by men who said they did what they did in North Carolina by police instructions. How many times did I hear things I did not want to hear? What was the purpose in that? Intimidation? Threat if I said anything? If I remembered anything? Stalking me wherever I went to. Any town any job any state any other country. Used my identity. Had men get arrested using my name and identity. Falsely testified against me. Three times called me a drug dealer. Never got a call back in all that time after applying for hundreds of jobs. Never even a phone call. Not one. The last job I was on they drugged me,took me to an abandoned prison in Texas and electrocuted me over and over. 4 policemen, law men died there. They killed three and lost four. Why? Was that necessary? To keep terrorizing me throughout my whole life. To treat me like the enemy of the law army because I seen them murdering gay people in 1975 in Hosston Louisiana? To continually harass me. Just broke into my apartment. Left something behind like they were raping something while I lay there in my bed gassed and then had to come back when I went to the store and get what they dropped. I figured they would use it to try and frame me on something. Every time I turn around it's another routine to get at me. The murdering filth has never been investigated or paid for any crime they've committed but we are all suspects. If anybody actually investigated them what would they find. Would they find Hoffa and Ted Kennedy in a partnership with each other? What would the partnership be concerned with? Would murder be a part of their activities together? Would rape? Torture? Covering up killing children? Killing gays? Kennedy just wanted the gays to be treated fairly but I don't think he cared too much about me. When I walked into his office in Washington and he asked me about President Reagan and how he was doing  after his mental lapse, it made my freaking skin crawl. Like we had something in common. Forgetting things. I believe it will come out in history that Ted Kennedy knew about what happened in Hosston, knew about Hoffa. Knew about the killings. And knew that I was a survivor. And he never did anything for the people who lost people there. All he cared about was making sure I only got more of the same and nothing could be directed back towards him and his in Washington. Maybe he said the magic word and I went to sleep right there in his office and he done me while I was standing there frozen like a statue. He knew what happened and he covered it up, lied, and supported the people who murdered, and lied about it all that time. Protected the murderers and sacrificed the kid working in a cotton patch for twenty dollars a day. He didn't care anything about Reagan he just wanted to insinuate to me that they can get to anyone they need to including the President. And that I wasn't doing anything that they weren't in control of. But they didn't count on me waking up and remembering the slaughter of people in an area south of Hosston Louisiana in the first week of August in 1975. The place and the time where Hoffa died. Ultimately the connection between Hoffa and Kennedy was the biggest drug trafficking ring on the planet. The heroine dealer called the French Connection. The dealer that had no boss. But in reality it is possible that Kennedy was actually his boss and Bobby was going to find out. You can figure the rest out. I still want to know why they murdered the people in Hosston in 1975.:. 





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