Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Is The Lake Of Fire Real? What Is It For?

    How does God, who is love, sentence people who aren't saved to the lake of fire?
   The answer is, that, he allows sin to happen even though he could stop and destroy all sin at any moment but he chooses to allow men free will. In free will, sin is a part of the decisions that men make in life.
     It is sin that is actually cast into the lake of fire, where it is consumed over a period of time. The unclean spirit or corrupt soul goes with it in the very end. God makes every way possible to save souls and what spirit can be saved from out of the lake of fire. In the end, after judgment, sin is cast off and goes into the consuming fire to be destroyed.
    What the person is spiritually, is what goes to the consuming lake of fire that burns forever, or I suppose until all of the sins are consumed. If God says that is forever, you can take his word for it.
   Ask to be forgiven of your sins. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
  People sin, yes, that is true, but they can also be redeemed by the spirit of Jesus and can live in Heaven forever. It's not a make believe story. God is real Jesus is the King of Heaven. Heaven and the New Heaven is real.
    There is a reason for the lake of fire. It is real. Avoid it.

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