Letters were sent out by the pharmacies that were dropped on the new plans. AETNA dropped the pharmacy I was using but Wal-Mart still handles AETNA, so I can get the meds there, now.
I have to pay the full price until the 15th of this month. But the one I'm picking up is only four dollars. So I can go ahead and get it, today, at Wal-Mart.
If something goes wrong, I can use the Wal-Mart pharmacy to pick up medications. Or, if there is a new medication, I can use the Wal-Mart pharmacy until I make arrangements to get my medications normally, also through AETNA.
The doctor was faxed the new AETNA order and he also faxed Wal-Mart so I could get the script, today. But Aetna has to call and verify the order was sent out. Then they call to verify the deliveries.
This is way it's easier on the doctors. And I don't have to keep running back and forth to the pharmacy three times a month.
If your a heart patient and you have angina meds that you have to wait for make sure you are not stroking out if you have chest pains. I know that it can be difficult to tell the difference between an attack and just normal discomfort. If you have severe pain due to angina, don't take chances. Get your meds, don't wait.
Maybe if you can't afford, then go to the Emergency room and tell them you don't have your meds and your feeling discomfort.
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