Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Song Had To Be Sung!_- "Liberal Thinking" by Don Robbins

  The Ted Nugent joke about the president not being a normal type of a human being is years old. Huffington post takes years to load but getting faster. (Taking lessons from Yahoo.)
   "Hey! I got a great idea! Let's slow down the Emails on Yahoo -more - by adding more commercial add ons. Stack the ads on top of each other so when you X one out, there's another right below it to take its place!"  (That's thinking Liberal!) 
   You can copy this and publish it on Yahoo! (That's thinking Liberal!)
                                      "Liberal Thinking"
  Liberal thinking-
The boat is sinking.
  Better play the race card while there's still time;
Got two more years to make it all rhyme.
  Shots weren't fired with his hands in the air-
What killed E.G. was Obamacare!

    "End political typecasting and reverse bigotry!"

The song had to be sung. By- Don Robbins.

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