Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Truth About Waterboarding Not Effective Mitchell On CIA Contradicts Himself- "Obama Has Bias Against Americans"

   If the CIA wanted to do their job and interrogate terrorists for information that could save American lives, then why did they use waterboarding? Waterboarding  is not a interrogation technique. It is not an effective form of gathering information from a detainee.

Dr. Mitchell on CIA Report
   If what Dr. Mitchell said was true on FOX news with Megan Kelly - then why was the detainee Sheik Mohammad waterboarded 183 times? Did the contractor get paid for each session? Ha! Ha! Ha!.
   The question isn't weather waterboarding was used. The question is whether waterboarding can be used to effectively gather information from a prisoner?
   My conclusion was that it was not an effective form of information gathering technique. Not even in the top ten. So why use it?

*Note on Obama statement: "There's no black male my age, who's a professional, who hasn't come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn't hand them their car keys," the president said during the interview.

        (The statement made by Obama is absurd.)
      "I do believe that Americans know that Obama has a bias towards Americans, in general, but primarily those who don't agree with his rhetoric and suggestions about every topic in politics.
       (There's more to life than tricking the public into thinking your a chauffer that works for the State Dept. in 1993, or valet.)
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