Monday, December 29, 2014

Obamacare Special! Murder By Mandate!

    Under the orders of the government authorities working for Obamacare, doctors were ordered to send  patients home before their heart surgeries were complete.
    We were not informed of the condition we were left in. In my case, I was scheduled to return for a check up after two months.
    *Medications that were necessary to prevent another heart failure were not prescribed.
      I was told to resume normal activities. I was given prescriptions of medications that were normal if the surgery was completed. {They prescribed the medications as if the surgery was completed.}

   A week after surgery I was riding my bike and became short of breath, like I was suffocating! Luckily -I was near the hospital when the attack happened.
   I went into the doctors office and they immediately put me into the hospital.
   After testing me and giving me medications -I was told that I would be left over night for observation. The next day they sent me home.
    A couple of days later I saw the assistant of the surgeon that did the surgery on me. I was told that I needed to take certain  medicines or I could die. And that the medicine they prescribed to me was going to be prescribed two months after surgery and when I returned to finish the surgery. It would be the medicine I would take. But that I hadn't been to the next surgery yet, so, they hadn't prescribed it to me. (Even though I needed medications to live that they didn't prescribe to me.)
     I thought to myself: That's a good way to murder people.
  Send people home without finishing their operations and don't prescribe the medicines they need to live, because the government said so.
   Slick murder!
  Obama special! Murder by Mandate.

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