Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Thinking Like Yexas" Texas.

   Ok; Here's the situation....
              There are approximately three hundred bodies of people who were murdered in a place close to a town in Louisiana called HOSSTON LOUISIANA. Here's a map to the exact location.
On this map it states
the location of where Jimmy Hoffa died.
The three hundred  people also died in this
vicinity. (Area.)
Now look at the area south of highway 2.
Let's say, about a mile north of the Hoffa X, on the map.
Still south of highway 2.
And east of highway 71.
"Got it?"
1. Considering the fact that there are three hundred bodies laying
on the ground in this general location. And at the time, other
people, and authorities had seen some of the murdered people
laying on the ground in the vicinity, and also over closer to the Red River.
#2. Let's say that there is a problem with the disposal of the bodies. Like, where to put them to hide the bodies. *And also Hoffa's body, too.
3. The question; is- whether or not to bury the bodies or let's say cremate them instead.
4.So, do you bury or do you cremate?
You know people will see the smoke for miles. So, you would probably bury them.
What about the possibility of someone from Baylor university digging up the mass grave and ...... well, you get the idea.
Answer: You move the grave yard to the location of the  mass gravesite. And say, that those people were buried there a long time ago. Even if there is still parts of their bodies left instead of just the skeletons.
Then, if someone asked how the bodies still have flesh on them after all that time, then you can reply and say that the government is looking into the matter and that will be the end of it.
"Think Like Texas."
 And then years will pass and someone will ask the question: "What did the government ever find out about the people who were found in the mass grave?"
  Then the government official will say that they are passing legislation to buy more search and rescue equipment.  (Backhoes.)
"Think Like Texas!" 
(Think Like Texas")

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