Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ha! Ha! Ha! New World Order Immigration Speech- Another Obama "Twinkle Dink"

Obama "Twinkle Dink" Speech
If immigration is all this country means, then, why don't we open the boarders to all people? And who ever wants to live here, can live in this immigrant nation.

   Obama never uses the term Native American in his bogus speeches, that I've ever heard. Native Americans are never mentioned when politicians talk about immigration. Or America being an immigrant nation. America is never the home or nation of the Native populations and their descendants. It's always someone else's nation, as if Native peoples have no business in this land of other people. That's the hate message that Obama is really trying to get across to the world about , America. But it's not really about that, so much, either, as it's about telling Americans that it's time to move on! And let someone else take over. Like the new world citizens. Yea! THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS HERE! And Obama wants room for it by taking everything away from Americans, just like they did with the Native people in the past.

   He changed his rhetorical statements of amnesty for ten million, into a maybe, with strings attached. But mostly he modified his tone down to keeping people from deportation and then contradicted himself by stating that people weren't deported in the past in the system.
    So how does that change anything?

     He wanted some real New World Order invasion and legions of World Order supporters to be given citizenship, but it all backfired on him. I don't think the New World Order wants to be the New World Order, either. 
   Ha! Ha! Ha!

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