The 1998 incident involved Calhoun and myself, along with a security guard walking into the locker room and shower room and seeing men making a video tape.
George Steinbrenner was one of the men. The tape was a parody of a molestation of a child. The actors were a man who was small who appeared to be a child and a man who looked like Jerry Sandusky.
They were trying to make it look like Sandusky was molesting a child. There were guttural screams and crying sounds.
All of the men in the shower room were in fact men. The small man who looked like a child was just a small man, not a dwarf or midget. That's what I'm saying. The security guard and me and Calhoun saw them. The security guard said he would take care of t. And then me and Calhoun left.
I asked Calhoun if the guy was a security guard. Calhoun said he was.
It was my bet that the security guard left a report about the incident in the office that was just down the hall from the locker room. And later, it was broken into to cover the incident.
The report was probably taken the night that Calhoun said he saw the man in the Smeal office building. (The Smeal building was where the teacher's father worked.) We had walked together (the teacher and I) from the Smeal building past the creamery building several times, over to the Morgan building where she worked.
I'm saying that I thought the sounds from the 1998 video tape Steinbrenner and his associates made in the shower room in the Morgan building was the sounds we heard in 2001. In the shower room in the Morgan building.
* If your not familiar with the 2001 incident that happened in the Morgan building, it was only sounds heard by people who were standing in the locker room. There was no one in the shower room. It was just sounds of what seemed to be a child crying and screaming in pain. As it turned out the sounds were from the video that was made in the shower room by Steinbrenner and the man who looked like Jerry Sandusky. The man holding the video camera was apparently Steinbrenner's driver.
{{ The 2001 incident was actually in the Morgan building. There was no 2001 incident in the Lasch building. (Actually.) The prosecution only said there was. The incident between McQueary and the man he thought was Sandusky actually did happen in 2002. Not 2001. * There was a reason that the prosecutors believed that the McQueary/Sandusky incident was actually in 2001 and not 2002. (Maybe a video tape,) But they have never said or shown the evidence yet. }}
I'm saying that the information from the Morgan building incident was used to accuse the officials of covering information about Sandusky. But was a statement written by Coach Paterno in his notebook about the incident the only thing the investigators had as evidence from 2001?
Did the investigators or prosecution (Kelly) have the tape from the 1998 incident? Did they believe or convince others to believe that it was Sandusky in the video? Did they use the information from Paterno's notebook to validate the video as one made of Sandusky?
And how did Kelly know about the paper that was written in the office in the Morgan building about the 2001 incident. How did Kelly know the paper was in Schultz's office?
What happened to the report by the security guard about what Steinbrenner and the Sandusky look alike were doing in the shower room? Was the office broken into to take the report?
I think it was.
I think the investigators or Kelly saw some materials that they believed convicted Sandusky and then accused the officials of a cover up. But they never reported what evidence they had.
Where is the evidence?
Is it a video tape that Steinbrenner made of a fake molestation by a man who looked like Sandusky?
Where is the video tape?

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