problems concern the results the Obamacare plan that negatively affects poor people. Although one of the ways the article suggests might be a fix, is to take more from Medicare and have Medicare pay for the poor across the board who have been effectively filtered out by Obamacare.
It doesn't mention the fact that the Medicare program is already been hit up for money to cover Obamacare.
Poor people on Medicare were left to die without proper medications and NO options on heart care. Operations were ordered cut from the poorest Medicare patients who didn't have extra coverage, and those on disability.
Terrorism follows any mention of the truth about the murders committed by ordering operations suspended, on heart patients. (Just to save money to spend on Obamacre.)
*They know what you write while you write it.
Another reason to write on Wordpress.
When the tactic of suspending operations on lower income heart patients and delaying the rest of the operations -indefinitely- worked, and there was no media response from the deaths or stories published about the medications not prescribed, that in turn caused more deaths, (There was no recording of how many died from the order to cut the operations.) then operations were ordered cut even on those who had coverage. No explanation was given for that. I suppose they were told to get care abroad. Another benefit poor people can't afford.
So, the radar tube hurts, but it's worth the pain to tell the truth about the Obamacare lie.
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