Redskins use rapper Wale, Alex Trebek to defend their name | FOX Sports on MSN | DonR@WORDPRESS

Redskins use rapper Wale, Alex Trebek to defend their name | FOX Sports on MSN
Redskins use rapper Wale, Alex Trebek to defend their name | FOX Sports on MSN.
Scalps and Redskins were the same thing. Scalps could also be used to prove the identity of escaped slaves.
Redskins was a term used to define the scalps that were brought to the government exchanges after the Natives (Indians) were killed, to prove the kill.
The bounty on Natives was paid after the kill was registered.
Most people believed that scalping was started by the Natives but actually it was ordered by the government agents to prove that bounty hunters actually killed the native person. Buckskins were used to prove the kill before Redskins.
Many kills were faked so the government ordered scalps to be taken from the natives to prove the person was actually killed. That was the real reason the scalping was ordered.
Some Native tribes retaliated by scalping settlers. The propagation by the media and the government resulted in myths about the Natives scalping people. But the truth of the actual acts were covered up.
Many stations were set up in conjunction with buffalo hide buyers. Many buffalo hunters were also government mercenaries that killed Native people for bounty, too.
Scalping was a part of ethnic cleansing and was also a part of violence committed against settlers and other people by tribes. Many blacks were also scalped for bounty. Whites, Blacks and Natives were scalped. Scalping was a horrible torture that usually resulted in the death of the victim, regardless of race.
The term Redskin is a direct derivative of the word scalp. Redskin became a racial slur and a derogatory term used by the media and politicians to belittle the Native people and to disparage. The "Super Negriods" would be a like term or name of a sports team, which wouldn't be cool.
The term Redskin is a stupid name for a sports team. It's like the people who came up with the name didn't know what it meant.
Ignorance is no excuse of unacceptable behavior. (On or off the field.)
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