Monday, December 23, 2013

"The Man The Janitor Saw In The Lasch Building Was NOT Sandusky" (Fake Videos?)

  Coach Paterno was not in the Lasch building when he wrote the note about the 2001 shower room incident into his logbook. 

  The 2001 incident did happen. There were people who heard sounds coming from the shower room that sounded like a sexual assault. I was in the locker room at the time.

   I don't remember McQueary being there at that time. There were two men who were giving a tour to a woman and a man that were helpers in the athletic department. It was about 8:30 AM in the morning. 
The helpers went into the shower room but no one was in there.

   The incident was immediately reported. The police were notified and security. Paterno was called to an office there in the building. I thought it was his office. (How ignorant of me.)

  The office was just a little office at the corner of two hallways. Down the hall was some  old time trophies in a small case built into the wall. 

   The building we were in was at the main campus, not the football field. 

  I think that information from that incident in 2001 was obtained and it was shown to people who were told it was about Jerry Sandusky, when it wasn't.

  A man who looked like Sandusky apparently did things to make people think it was Sandusky.

  I know how that works, it has happened to me several times. Impostors did things that people thought I did and it caused trouble for me.

  Don't get mixed up and don't give up searching for the truth. 
  One other point to make at this time, is that the testimony of the janitor who said he saw Sandusky, did not see Sandusky.
    There was a man that he was told was Sandusky but it wasn't. And he did not see the same man in the Lasch building later. There was Sandusky-The man he was told was Sandusky and the actor posing as Sandusky in the shower room at the Lasch building. That's three different men.

  He did see a man in the building on campus that looked like Sandusky but he was mistaken about what happened. He apparently heard more than he saw. But what he heard, influenced, what he thought he saw. 

    If fake video tapes were made to trick people into thinking Sandusky was a child molester and the Penn State officials covered it up, it was most likely the same people who told the janitor that it was Sandusky that he saw in the building that night, when he went to help the janitors who usually worked in the building. I remember the night and standing at the back door waiting for the other janitor to open the door to let us in. He was standing there with me.
   I know that no one told him that the man in the building that looked like Sandusky , was Sandusky. He was told that the child had a problem that's all. There was nothing happening. The other janitors told him the same thing, basically.
  If he went to security later and reported the incident, they told him that they would see to it. They did.
   The man was not told the individual was Sandusky.
   He testified that the man he saw in that building was Sandusky and that he saw Sandusky in the Lasch building, later.
 In truth- facts- that means that the man he saw in the Lasch building was not Sandusky. 

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