Saturday, December 21, 2013

One Step Closer - Profiteers Of Confusion

  The answer to the problem is to start walking in the right direction first.
Take an excerpt from the other post: 
  One step closer to the edge. 

Your are told; what you want to do is not wrong.
 Until you finally go one step too far and fall of the side to an unknown fate. 

   How does making the one step closer to failing, acceptable, help anyone?

One step closer to addiction, is OK?

One step closer to obsession is good?

One step closer to compulsion?

One step closer to one step too far.

 Isn't there something wrong in that? 

Is it reasonable to assume that the steps we take lead to some place?

Isn't that why we are taught to watch our steps?
Know where we are going?

Isn't that the point?

Or is it that we have lost sight of the objective and it doesn't matter any more?

Here! Let me help you. The objective is to get to heaven.

Using the bible as a guideline to keep your steps going in the right direction is a good start. But the important thing is, to start.
Selling bad advise and leading the strays to the fake solutions to their problems is a profitable business.

See the conflict there, that the profiteers of confusion have with good sound bible based advise about life things?

The bible interferes in their snake oil sales. It confuses their programmed robots that believe the lies of their mesmerizing tales.

Profiting from lost souls, so to speak.

It turns out to be a political contest.

I think Obama and his administration would be in the category of snake oil salesmen and profiteers of confusion. 

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