Monday, April 7, 2014 News- by Don Robbins-Spiritual News- Picture "Concert"

     Today-According to the news at the only hope for the Republican party is Jeb Bush.
But according to DonRobbinsNews the only chance the Democrats have is Susan Rice. Of course she's not running for president, when the election comes around.
(It's less than two years away.)

  Jesus might take the believers home before then! 

I don't depend on the paid help to get my sins forgiven, Do you? 
I ask Jesus regularly to forgive me, just in case. You never know, the help might be on vacation, spiritually speaking. 
I mean, and just tell you that your being forgiven when it's not really being done for you.

 I mean your not really being forgiven, even though they say you are. 

 What would happen if you were left behind? There are people who believe that the missing plane could have been taken into heaven ahead of the Rapture. There are people who believe that things will happen like that before the end.

 I believe that birds are very spiritually sensitive. I think they can detect the presence of spirits.

A while ago, I picked up a worm on the sidewalk and put it on the grass next to a gopher hole. It crawled into the gopher hole, just like that! I was thinking, yea, that worm probably thinks he made that hole before. 

Springtime is such a wonderful and beautiful thing. God must be a genius.  

Today it's 70 degrees The wind is blowing about 5 miles an hour. It smells like flowers in the air. The sun is shinning and the skies are blue. 

 Jesus would like it here today.


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